These cats simply do not care anything about your personal space. While some cat owners resort to shaming, in their heart of hearts, they know it’s completely ineffective and will probably just result in an act of revenge. Cats just don’t have any concept of personal space and they will be sure to remind you of that with every chance they get.
Let the list below serve as a warning to those of you who are considering a kitty companion: cats are not your friends.
1. Hello, Am i cute

#2 Hi there, are you reading

#3 Oh, This is so purrfect hole

#4 I like sitting hear and reading book

#5 Let me help you.

#6 I will nap here!

#7 And i will sit here

#8 Hey, There is some issues with your legs

#9 Hi

#10 Do you need help, dad

#11 Stop playing game, It’s my bed time now.

#12 You are doing wrong, let me teach you.

#13 Just want to kiss you.

#14 Am i fluffy

#15 Look at my tail!

#16 You have to choose, Playing game or me

#17 Hello human.

#18 Don’t worry, we will protect you.

#19 What are you doing, hooman

#20 You are selfie, we will join with you.

#21 Hey, just driving carefully

#22 Pet me, please!

#23 You need have a personal stylist and that is me

#24 Pay attention me

#25 Stop playing game, dad.

#26 Did i scare you

#27 ….And I will sit here

#28 Oh sorry, i didn’t mean to peep you

#29 You are so fluffy, too.

#30 Play with me!